It Can Never Only Be One Thing
digitised found film footage with watercolour animation (dimensions variable)
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD (heavily underdiagnosed in girls and women). This video illustrates one aspect of my neurodiversity; the animated element - a flawed and fluctuating signal - manifesting the way my attention flickers and wavers constantly between foci, always obstructing what should be the simplest cognition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are answers to some of the frequently asked questions regarding Women’s Art prize Tasmania. If you have any further questions after reading this page, then you can either book a consultation at the following link: here or email:
1. Prizes /Awards
Q: What are the prize categories?
A: The Women’s Art Prize Tasmania consists of the following three prizes/awards:
lutruwita Prize - presented by Rio Tinto Bell Bay Aluminium: $10,000
A dedicated award for an identified First Nations artist, cultural practitioner or cultural worker of any career stage.Women’s Art Prize Tasmania - presented by RANT Arts: $10,000
A prize across all artforms or cultural practice open to women artists at any stage of their professional career.Early Career Artist Prize - presented by Tailored Services for the Arts: $5,000
A dedicated prize for an identified artist in the initial stage of their professional career, usually up to the first 8 years of their arts practice or new artform.People’s Choice Award - presented jointly by Madeline Gordon Gallery and Project Gallery 90: $2,000
A prize awarded to a 2024 finalist whose work receives the most votes from visitors to the Finalists exhibition during its tour.
Q: How is the people’s choice decided?
A: The People’s Choice award is a public ballot vote and the artwork with the most votes is the winner.
2. Key Dates
Q: When do applications close?
A: Applications close: 11:59pm, Monday 29th January 2024.
Q: When will I be notified if I have been shortlisted?
A: All entrants will be notified on Friday 8 March 2024 - International Women’s Day.
Q: If I have technical issues can I submit later?
A: No, if you have technical issues please contact RANT Arts prior to Monday 29th January 2024.
Q: Where and when will the finalist exhibitions be held?
A: There are three exhibitions at the following locations:
LAUNCESTON: Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery: Saturday 4 May 2024 to Sunday 7 July 2024.
DEVONPORT: Devonport Regional Gallery: Saturday 3 August 2024 to Sunday 22 September 2024.
HOBART/MOONAH: Moonah Arts Centre: Friday 18 October 2024 to Saturday 9 November 2024
Q: When are the exhibition opening nights?
A: The opening nights are:
Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston - Friday 3 May 2024, 6pm.
Devonport Regional Gallery, Devonport - Friday 2 August 2024, 6pm.
Moonah Arts Centre, Moonah - Thursday 17 October 2024, 5.30pm.
3. Artwork Conditions
Q: Can I use an old piece I have created?
A: Works must have been completed no more than 12 months prior to application
Q: Is there a theme?
A: There is no set theme for Women’s Art Prize Tasmania
Q: What does easily transportable mean?
A: Women’s Art Prize Tasmania is a touring show and as such all works need to be transported. You should consider the scale of your work to accommodate transport needs. Crates must be no bigger than 120cm in any direction. If you have any questions please contact RANT Arts on
4. Entry Fees
Q: Can I pay later?
A: No, all entry fees are payable at the time of application.
Q: If I withdraw my entry, can I get me money back?
A: No, entry fees are non refundable.
Q: Are online payments safe?
A: We use PayPal for online payments. You can read more about PayPal’s safety and security here.
5. Entry Conditions
Q:What does ‘identify as a woman’ mean?
A: For information please refer to the Australian Government guidelines on Sex and Gender click here.
Q: What is an Early career artist?
A: An Early Career Artist must be in the initial stage of their professional career, usually up to the first 8 years of their arts practice or new artform. To be considered for this prize category, ENTRANTS must check the Early Career artist option in the entry form.
Q: How many artworks can I enter?
A: There is no limit on the number of artworks you may enter. Each artwork, however, must be accompanied with its own application and entry fee.
6. Application Conditions
Q: Can I make a hardcopy or postal application?
A: Entries can only be made using the online application form.
Q: How will I know if my application has been submitted successfully?
A: You will receive a confirmation email to acknowledge your application has been received.
7. Copyright and Moral Rights
Q: How will my artwork images be used for marketing?
A: Finalists images may be used on our website, social media and through email communications to promote the prize.
Q: Will I be credited as the artist on my images used for marketing?
A: The Women’s Art Prize Tasmania will attribute you the artist as the author of your work wherever the work is reproduced unless it is reasonable in the circumstances not to do so.
8. Administration Conditions
Q: What is the Judging panel?
A: The Judging panel for the Women’s Art Prize Tasmania is composed of experienced, skilled artists, art workers and members of the Tasmanian art community. They are responsible for judging the Acquisitive and Emerging Prizes.
Q: How do I vote in the people’s choice award?
A: The People’s Choice award is a public ballot vote and the artwork with the most votes is the winner. There will be forms provided at each venue and a ballot box to “post” your vote